
How to Receive Salvation

We are all in need of a savior.

The good news is God made a way for us to not only receive salvation but to receive it freely. There is nothing we can do to earn it. It is a priceless gift that has already been bought and paid for. It comes in the form of God’s Son, Jesus.

“For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NIV)

Where Do I Begin?

The most important decision you will ever make is to accept the gift of salvation. It is not complicated. There is no script you need to memorize or read from. You simply need to pray and acknowledge that you are a sinner in need of salvation, ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins, thank Him for this gift, and commit your heart and life to Him.

"If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” (Romans 10:9-10)


If you would like to pray this prayer right now, you can pray something like this:

Lord Jesus, I confess that I have sinned against you and I ask you to forgive me for my sins. Thank you for sending your son so that I can receive your gift of salvation. I know there is nothing I can do to earn it. I ask you to live in my heart and my life and help me to live my life for you. Amen! 

What Happens Now?

When you take this step of faith, you receive much more than you could ever imagine, beginning with:

  • Forgiveness for your sins! “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
  • The presence of the Holy Spirit in your life! “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” (1 John 4:16)
  • You become a son or daughter of God! “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord God Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:18)
  • You get a new beginning! “This means that anyone who belongs in Christ has become a new person. The old life has gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT)
  • The promise of eternal life! “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his son.” (1 John 5:11)

After you make the decision to put your faith in Jesus and live your life for Him, this is where your new journey begins; following God, living a new life, and becoming a new creation.

If you have decided to follow Jesus and would like some support and direction on where to go from here to deepen your relationship with Him, we would love to pray with you and support you as you begin your faith journey! Maybe you still have questions that you would like answered before you take that step of faith. Please get in touch with us! We have people who would love to talk with you and answer any questions you have as you explore living a life for Jesus.

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